Standard Features
Utilizing Environmentally Safe, CFC-free R-404A Refrigerant
•Modern, State-Of-The-Art Styling
•Performance Rated, “Plug” Refrigeration System
Utilizing Environmentally Safe R-404A
•3" High Density, Non-CFC Polyurethane Foam
•Chrome-Plated Flow Line Handles
•Cam-Action Lift-Off Hinges
•Cylinder Lock in Each Door
•Automatic Hot Gas Condensate Evaporator
•27 /8" Wide, 72 /2" High Door Openings
•External Digital Thermometer
•Automatic Electric Defrost
•Removable Stainless Steel Rack Guides
•Magnetic Snap-In Door Gaskets
•Unique Air Flow Distribution Ducts Keep Pan
•Product at Uniformly Constant Temperatures
Optional Features & Accessories
Standard (S/S Front, Aluminum Ends & Interior)
Suffix SA (S/S Exterior, Aluminum Interior)
Suffix SS (S/S Exterior & Interior)
•Glass Door
•Consult Factory
A “performance rated”, air-cooled hermetically sealed, All materials are of top quality, and are assem- Doors shells are constructed of a heavy
capillary type refrigeration system is installed on the top bled under rigid supervision conforming to strict gauge stainless steel and are internally
of each freezer. Plasticized fin coil and air circulating quality assurance requirements. The cabinet braced and urethane foam insulated for
fans are contained within a concealed “plug” type insu- front, doors, and interior bottoms, are con- rigidity. Door corners are of welded con-
lated housing, readily accessible on the top of the cabi- structed of heavy gauge polished stainless struction and polished. Replaceable
net and separate from the food zone to increase food steel for durability. All cabinet joints and seams snap-in door gaskets are self-adjusting,
storage capacity. The entire “plug” system is fully are sealed vapor tight. Case is of all metal heavy-duty, magnetic type. Doors han-
charged with environmentally safe R-404A refrigerant welded construction and is internally supported dles and hinges are chrome-plated and
and mounted on a sturdy steel, rail type base, which can and braced for rigid unit construction. Cabinet non-corrosive. Doors are provided with
be easily removed if refrigerator conversion is desired. design eliminates overlapping panels with raw built-in cylinder locks, which are keyed
Freezers are designed to maintain 0° Fahrenheit (-18° edges. Cabinet body and doors are insulated alike. Hinges are cam action, lift-off type
Centigrade) while operating with an unrestricted air sup- with non-CFC, foamed in place polyurethane featuring a positive safety stop at 120°.
ply in a maximum ambient temperature of 100° foam with an average thickness of 3'' to ensure
Fahrenheit. Automatic electric defrost timer initiates increased energy efficiency. Full-length lou-
defrost cycles at predetermined intervals. All conden- vered air grille located above the doors allows
sate water is evaporated by an automatic, non-electric, equal air circulation to the condensing unit.
corrosion-resistant condensate evaporator. A strict Easily removable, low-wattage, anti-sweat door
quality-assurance team inspects all materials and com- heaters concealed by a non-metallic, non-con-
ponents to the most exacting standards. All models are ductive, high-impact thermal breaker strip elim-
factory performance-tested for a minimum of 16 hours inate condensate build up on the cabinet front.
prior to crating.
Automatic interior lighting is controlled by door
openings. Cabinets are equipped with an eas-
ily removable stainless steel ramp and interior
rack guides.
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